Guide for Authors

Online Submissions

Our selection of articles depends on the quality, breadth, and originality of the theme(s) covered and their bearing on the focus of the journal. We do not accept manuscripts published elsewhere.

Only two files should be submitted. Submit the manuscript without the authors' names, affiliation, and biographies. Along with it, submit a cover page that includes the manuscript title, authors' names and affiliation, and the corresponding author's name and contact information (E-mail institutional addresses, phone numbers). The maximum number of pages should not exceed 20 including footnotes. Only one submission by an author will be considered at a time.

Learn about the publication process and how to submit your manuscript. If you have not registered yet, please click on: Register. After successfully registering, you should have a username and password. If you already have a username and password, please Login.


Necessary Forms

There are a few forms that authors have to make and upload it in the system:

  1. Main Manuscript File (without authors' specifications)
  2. Cover Letter (authors' specifications)
  3. Author (s) Commitment Form (signed by all authors)
  4. Conflict of Interest Form (signed by responsible author)

For estimating an article needs to send the four files and enter the correct specifications in the system.


Structure Of Articles      

The manuscript should be organized in the following sequence: Title page, Abstract, keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conflict of interest, Acknowledgments (Optional), References, Tables and Figures. 

1). Title page

The title page should include the following items (please do not include any text other the ones described below):

- The title of the manuscript.

- Author or authors list:

family name, First Name: Academic ranking, department, faculty, university, city, country. E-mail. ORCID code

- The corresponding author should be marked with "Corresponding author" at the End of his/her affiliation address.


- Professional titles: Professional titles (e.g., Doctor or Engineer) should not be included. 

2). Abstract

Abstract is required for all articles types. The abstract should be one paragraph without sections and should not exceed 200 words, following the title page. The abstract should be free of references and abbreviations. The abstract should summarize pertinent results in a brief but understandable form. 

3). Keywords

At the end of the abstract, up to Ten keywords that best describe the content of the research should be listed.  

4). Document types:

  • Article: Original research or opinion.
  • Editorial: Summary of several articles or provides editorial opinions or news.
  • Erratum: Report of an error, correction or retraction of a previously published paper.
  • Letter: Letter to or correspondence with the editor.
  • Note: Note, discussion or commentary.
  • Review: Significant review of original research, also includes conference papers.
  • Short survey: Short or mini-review of original research.

Note:The number of article words (from 5000 Up to 6000 words)

5). Introduction

The Introduction, the beginning of the paper, provides a context or sufficient background information for the study (i.e., the significance and nature of the problem) and previous experimental results, to enable a reader who is not an expert in the topic to understand the question that is being addressed in the paper, and why it is significant. The Introduction should attract the reader to the rest of the paper. When presented properly, this section ensures that the reader will be able to understand the details of the experiment as well as its relevance to the scientific community. The Introduction should (a) present the nature and the scope of the problem investigated; (b) provide enough background to orient the reader and justify the study, reviewing the pertinent literature to the problem; (c) state the reason for the study, and how it differs or is related to previous studies; and (d) state the goal/objectives and method of the investigation.

6). Materials and Methods

In the Materials and Methods section, all materials used and methods followed throughout the experiment should be reported. This section should be sufficiently clear and include a detailed procedure of how the experiment was performed, both methodologically and statistically, in such a way that another competent researcher can follow and duplicate the experiment.

7). Results

The results should present the findings of the study. The results should be separate from the discussion and written in the past tense.   

8). Discussion

The Discussion section is the most important component of a scientific paper. The Discussion section serves to interpret the results and place them in a broader context by citing and discussing related studies. The purpose of the Discussion section is to make conclusions and evaluate the results within the general context of the research, rather than to summarize the results, although it can start with this.

The Discussion section is a return to the original objectives and hypotheses. It is the section of the paper in which the author should interpret his/her data and draw conclusions regarding his/her hypotheses. The author should describe in detail what s/he observed and explain why, demonstrating how the results support, or refute, his/her original hypotheses and how the results lead to the conclusions.

9). Conflict of interest

The corresponding author must inform the editor of any potential conflicts of interest that could influence the authors interpretation of the data.

10). Acknowledgments (optional)

The acknowledgements should be as brief as possible. The Acknowledgments section should be a few sentences at the end, but it is important to recognize those people (organizations and individuals) who made a considerable impact on the research, provided significant help to the author to formulate and complete the experiment, and improved the research at any stage (from providing access to equipment or field sites to editing the manuscript). However, this is an optional section. 

 11). References

The author is responsible for ensuring that the article is fully and accurately cited and for ensuring that citations are in the proper format. Ancient Iranian Studies uses the author-date system of Chicago Manual of Style, which can be accessed online at

12). Footnotes

Footnotes can be used and are usually listed at the bottom of each page in your manuscript.

13). Copyright and permissions

The copyright of manuscripts accepted for publication in the journal rests with the author(s) under the Creative Commons (CC BY NC). All opinions stated are exclusively that of the author(s).  

Figures that reproduce copyrighted or trademarked visual images or that show objects whose design is copyrighted or trademarked can be published only with the permission of the owner of the copyright or trademark. It is the responsibility of the author of the article in which the figure appears to obtain this permission, or to determine that the image or design is in the public domain.

14). Plagiarism

We accept all terms and conditions of COPE about plagiarism and in case, any attempt of plagiarism is brought to our attention accompanied with convincing evidence, we act based on flowcharts and workflows determined in COPE.